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2024/2025 Registration Details

CROATOAN welcomes you to a new season! We are excited to once again play tambura and dance kolo together. This page includes registration details, eligibility, participant expectations, and the registration form.


We encourage everyone to register as soon as possible, even if you are unsure. This helps us determine interest and make the necessary preparations for a prompt start to the season.​


Dates and Deadlines

  • Registration opens on August 11, 2024

  • Registration deadline for all groups is September 2, 2024 at 11:59pm.*

*Late registrations are permitted with the approval of the teacher. Late fees apply.


Registration Methods

  • Online using the form linked below. 

  • At the in-person registration day, scheduled for Sunday, September 1 at 12:00pm in the St. Leopold Mandic Church Hall (170 Hinchey Ave).


Fees and Membership

  • Registration received before September 2, 2024 at 11:59pm: $125.00

  • Registration received on or after September 3, 2024: $150.00

  • Membership fee: $10*

*A minimum of one membership per household is required. Membership is a legal status and provides you with certain rights like voting at general meetings.


Classes offered this season & eligiblity

We are excited to offer a full complement of tambura (music), kolo (dance), and vocal classes to everyone ages 5 and up. For more information about the classes offered and who is eligible to register in them, consult the updated eligibility guide.​ All classes take place on a weekly basis at the St Leopold Mandić Croatian Parish Hall. Please note that class days and/or times are subject to change up to or immediately after the registration deadline, depending on number of registrants. Some groups may be also be combined depending on registration numbers.

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Classes begin Sunday, September 8 and Monday, September 9, respectively. 


Costume Deposit and Instrument Rentals

A deposit of $30 will be required for each costume issued to participants. The costume deposit can be refunded after the costume is returned complete, washed, ironed, and pleated, as necessary. An annual rental fee of $30 will be required for each Croatoan-owned instrument. Rental fees are non-refundable.



For kolo classes, footwear (opanke) are the responsibility of the participant. If you have opanke you would like to exchange or sell, please contact us. Order forms for those who would like to purchase new opanke will be available in November.


Code of Conduct

By registering, all participants agree to comply with Croatoan's Code of Conduct.


Thank you! Hvala!


67 Lyndale Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario
K1Y 2M7
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