Hello dear members and participants,
First off, I want to wish everyone a wonderful June and I hope you are all enjoying the mostly lovely weather we are finally having!
Last weekend, the Canadian Croatian Folklore Federation-East had their AGM meeting and we wanted to give you some of the updates.
Festival 2020
The Festival for 2020 has been officially cancelled. While the hosts were hoping to host a festival in the fall, and Croatian National Home, Hamilton did examine different avenues, due to the uncertainty of having a large event in the fall, they have decided to not assume any further financial risk associated with an event that may be cancelled due to circumstances completely out of their control. They did try to find appropriate venues to host Festival 2021 instead of Montreal, but unfortunately Hamilton was unsuccessful in securing venues for May 2021. As a result, Croatian National Home will be hosting Festival 48 in May 2022.
From a historical perspective, the virtual festival held on May 16, 2020 will be officially classified as Festival 46 for the Canadian Croatian Folklore Federation East archives.
Festival 2021
Festival 47 was supposed to be hosted by KAS Montreal in May 2021. Unfortunately, due to not being able to secure adequate sponsorship opportunities during this time, they have withdrawn from hosting Festival 47. The Federation did open up Festival 47 hosting in May 2021 to all groups. Any group that may be interested, and is willing to assume the uncertainty of the event at this point in time, can submit a proposal to host the event at the September Federation meeting. We will provide an update as to the status of next year's festival after the September Federation meeting.
Tamburafest 2020
So far, Tamburafest 2020 is scheduled to be hosted by Vatroslav Lisinki Mississauga on November 7, 2020.   Due to the uncertainty of the event, there was no decision made for the host of Tamburafest 2021. This was postponed until the September meeting. It is assumed that by then, we will know if Tamburafest 2020 will be possible. If not, the event will be cancelled and Vatroslav Lisinski will, by default, be awarded Tamburafest 2021.
Croatoan Annual Concert 2020 As we communicated earlier, the 2020 Croatoan Annual Concert is tentatively rescheduled for Saturday, October 24, 2020. We are hoping this will still be a possibility. More information about the concert will be made available closer to September, as will information about the plans for the resumption of practices. If you have any questions about these and other matters related to Croatoan, please feel free to reach out either by email or through our Facebook page. Thank you all and we wish you health, happiness and a wonderful summer! Visnja Beg
President NCRCFE Croatoan, Ottawa president@croatoan.ca www.croatoan.ca