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Applications for 2022 Croatoan Scholarship - NOW OPEN!


As you may be aware, the National Capital Region Croatian Folklore Ensemble Croatoan offers an annual scholarship to those in our Croatian community who have aided in the promotion and celebration of Croatian Folklore, Culture and Heritage in the National Capital Region. The full list of criteria for the scholarship is included in the attached letter.

Despite the fact that Covid-19 has prevented folklore dancing practices or events from taking place this season and and has once again limited tamburica practices to online and limited in person practices in accordance with Provincial and Ottawa Public Health guidelines, we want to continue our support of those who have been active in Croatoan over the years as they pursue any level of post-secondary education. To this end, we are once again going ahead with providing a scholarship to a deserving student this year.

The annual Croatoan $500 scholarship is open to anyone at any level of post-secondary education who meets the criteria outlined in the attached document.

Please read the attached Scholarship letter and feel free to submit your applications on or before April 15, 2022. If you have any questions, please reach o

ut to Visnja Beg who is leading the scholarship process, via the email address

As well, we are seeking volunteers for the Croatoan scholarship committee and hoping you can help us. We need five committee members as stipulated in the scholarship rules.

The Croatoan scholarship committee shall be made up of five (5) members: one member of the Croatoan Executive council, one teacher from a Croatoan kolo or tambura group, one parent member of Croatoan and two participants (one from a senior group and one from an adult group).

Those who are applicants or parents of an applicant in any given year cannot serve as scholarship committee members for that year.

Due to the limitations on kolo classes this past year, we are extending the eligibility to serve on the scholarship committee to all those who were eligible in our last “normal” season of 2019-2020, before the pandemic hit.

Please consider coming forward to serve on the scholarship committee and be an integral part of this scholarship process!

Thank you and stay safe.


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