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A rhapsody of Croatian folklore songs

Rapsodija hrvatskih folklornih pjesama

For the first time in two decades, we are proud to release our new music album.

This thrilling rhapsody guides you through the many folkloric regions of Croatia through
exciting instrumentals and blissful vocals. It is an independent initiative recorded in an Ottawa

home-studio featuring the ensemble’s young generation as well as long-time performers.

Contributing Artists
Adriana Basar ........................................................... Vocals
Gordana Basar .......................................................... Vocals
Neda Bernabo ........................................................... Vocals
Filip Buljan ................................................................ Vocals, Berda
Lena Čapkun ............................................................ Vocals, Berda
Žana Gjula ................................................................. Vocals
Mate Marinković ...................................................... Vocals, Brač, Violin, Bisernica, Čelo
Petra Marinković ...................................................... Vocals, Bisernica
Vinko Marinković .................................................... Vocals
Dianne McIntyre ...................................................... Vocals
Linda Mills ................................................................ Vocals, Bisernica
Katarina Rose Mirkovich ........................................ Vocals, Bisernica
David Šagolj .............................................................. Vocals, Kontra
Aida Sigel ...................................................................Vocals
Valerie Šušak ............................................................. Vocals, Brač, Samica
Linda Vuković ...........................................................Vocals, Kontra
Peter Vuković ............................................................ Vocals, Brač
Dominika Vuletić ..................................................... Vocals, Brač
Magdalenda Vuletić ................................................. Vocals, Bisernica
Nicholas Vuletić ....................................................... Vocals, Čelo
Danica Žuger ............................................................ Vocals


Production Team
Mate Marinković ...................................................... Musical Director (Vocalists, Musicians)
Linda Mills ................................................................ Musical Director (Vocalists)
David Šagolj .............................................................. Technical Director (Mixing and Mastering)
Nicholas Žuger ......................................................... Technical Director (Recording),

                                                                                      Graphic Design

Beauty of the Language
Songs with Croatian vocals are summarized here in English

1. Oj Baranjo lipa i bogata
A handkerchief is strategically placed on a path frequented by the singer’s love interest in

hopes that something will come of her clever snare. But alas, she is left wondering why he

does not call. In the second piece, Mary (Marica) fares much better as she is asked by her

suitor if she would allow him to kiss her... until dawn.

3. Ideju težaki
With their calloused hands and disheveled appearance, labourers wearily plod home as the

moon and stars rest behind clouds in the night sky.

4. Plakala Jana
A bride-to-be, who will be moving far away from her family, is comforted by her future

sister-in-law who herself moved far away. In an era with no cars, phones or Twitter, moving

to a distant village was like being a world away from everyone you know.

6. Posavski splet
A young lady proudly proclaims that she is from Posavina – a region along the Sava River,

known for its fertile, flat landscape – perfect for her to sing loud

enough for her sweetheart to hear.

7. Tri devojke žito žele
This mesmerizing account of three girls and their participation in traditions like harvesting

wheat and wreath-making is an example of the close ties between tradition and the land.

9. Lipo ti je kad se kuruz sije
It is springtime in Slavonija and life is wonderful. Corn is planted, the larks sing, the dew is

beautiful and the wheat grows tall. Celebrations with music and dancing last until dawn.

Lets not forget about the self-proclaimed life of the party, “bećar,” a bachelor with

questionable degrees of romantic interest. The girls would like rosemary to cover their

fields (but sprigs of rosemary are traditionally worn atweddings too). Can they

cure the bećar’s wandering ways?!

11. Komu majka beli kolač pečeš
As a soldier prepares for battle, he asks his loved ones who the baking, handwritten notes

and tears are for, only to find out that they are all for him.


12. Ta divna splitska noć
The city of Split is the backdrop for this popular Dalmatian song. Images of small boats in

a port at night bring hope that love will return.

14. Imala sam muža
A wife, recounting her husband’s small stature to her mischievous confidants, reveals that even when she made him clothes from a less than sizeable piece of cloth, he was still too shy to hang out with the guys in the village. “Hee hee hee a ha ha ha!”


15. Gorica se preodjela listom
The feast of St. George approaches in the spring. There is joy that winter is over and the trees and fields are covered in greenery. Birds sing and the kolo is danced.

17. Grad se beli
A young girl happily sings of her commitment to her loved ones as she tends sheep near a castle overlooking a lake.

Track List with Musical Acknowledgements

1. Oj Baranjo lipa i bogata [Maramica na stazi, Oj curice Marice] (Baranje) Arr: Julije Nikoš

2. Klakar (Dalmacija) Arr: Božo Potočnik

3. Ideju težaki (Zagorje)

4. Plakala Jana (Podravina) Arr: Mate Marinković

5. Drmeši iz Moslavine (Moslavina) Arr: Alan Kanski

6. Posavski splet [I ja jesam posavačko dete, Starinski drmeš] (Posavina) Arr: Branko Cetinjanin

7. Tri devojke žito žele (Turopolje)

8. Divojačko kolo (Tavankut - Bačka) Arr: Božo Potočnik

9. Lipo ti je kad se kuruz sije Composer: Siniša Leopold

10. Međimurski splet [Janica je fanj snešica, Došla sam vam japa dimo] (Međimurje) Arr: Siniša Leopold

11. Komu majka beli kolač pečeš (Međimurje) Arr: Ivan Ivančan, Mate Marinković

12. Ta divna splitska noć (Dalmacija) – Arr: R. Purić

13. Pokupski splet [Turski marš, Pokupski svatovski drmeš] (Pokuplje) Arr: Mate Marinković

14. Imala sam muža (Frankenau – Austrija) Arr: Božo Potočnik

15. Gorica se preodjela listom (Turopolje) Arr: Dražen Varga

16. Lipa ti je rumen rožica [Na četiri paša, Igralo kolo srid Rudin, Pokladni Ples] (Jezera) Arr: Siniša Leopold

17. Grad se beli (Međimurje) Arr: Zlatko Potočnik

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